It was time for Tyler to start preschool. I didn’t know exactly why I thought he should go to a Christian school, but it seemed like the right choice. After a couple (not so positive) chats with administration after getting called out of work early, they asked if we attended any local churches. It didn’t seem like a bad idea, and quite frankly I was desperate to try something that might have a good influence on my son. We tried a few churches (I say “we” because my little preschooler was also a decision maker). One Sunday we attended one in La Habra. I loved it, and so did he! It was an easy decision. I started attending and learning. I had no idea how much it influenced me…
I think I was 25 (thus the title 25ish)
STOP THE PRESSES! I have to interrupt this story to share an amazing part of my day today!!! As I was typing this and enjoying my coffee at Starbucks I couldn’t help but overhear a very tattooed young man talk to his friend about Christianity and how he reads his bible for a few days and then forgets about it while he gets stoned for a few days and
how he wants to make a difference buts doesn’t like people preaching at him… I hope you are getting a picture… Well, as I was typing out my testimony here, I was eavesdropping to all of this and wanting to say something, but couldn’t think of the right words or a good way to butt in. Besides, I had never shared my testimony with a stranger before (although I was about to very publicly through my new blog – face to face is just different).
After about 30 minutes of this, it was almost time to pick up Tyler from testing, so it was a now-or-never situation. I took a deep breath, and my normally very introverted self started a conversation about how my walk with Jesus started and how I knew where is was coming from. Now, here is the awesome part! He asked me what church I attended and when I told him, he knew exactly what I was talking about. Do you know why? Apparently, his grandfather was the pastor of that same church when it was located on Bluegum (?). When his grandfather passed away, the current pastor took over and the church moved to where it is right now. Seriously?!?! What are the chances??? I always say that there are no such thing as coincidences, and I truly believe that it’s moments like these that solidifies that. I’m sure the chances of me sitting at a Starbucks in an area that I am not familiar with,( in the middle of writing my testimony, right after being inspired by a friend who touched someone’s life not even an hour earlier) and sitting next to the grandson of the original pastor of my church are pretty slim. Can anyone say, “Divine appointment”? I don't think I have to worry if I said the right thing. God was in complete control (like always, the difference was that I let go of my self-percieved control).
Anyhoo...I had to share. I don’t think my writing did it justice, but if I have even shown a glimpse of how awesome our Lord is, than I will be a happy camper.
The rest of my testimony will have to wait. I’m too busy basking in the glory of the Lord right now. Thank you Lord for using me as a tool for your kingdom….
And Dean, you are in my prayers. May we meet again, because I know that God has great plans for you, if you allow him to work in you, and I can't wait to see where that leads you...
Oh the joy of being interruptable! I wonder how much TRUE ministry we miss because we're too focused on our own agenda! That's so awesome, total Divine Appointment. I wonder how much the seeds long ago planted in HIS heart were stirred because God brought him someone from his grandfather's old church. :) Love it! Love you!