Friday, May 13, 2011

His Time

I’m sitting here thinking about things that I need to work on. One of the dominant issues that I need to deal with is time management. I started thinking that I needed to be a better steward of my time. I needed to schedule my time for the week better. I need to prioritize what I decide to do with my time.
Then something clicked. Maybe I’m looking at this from the wrong perspective. I am not my own. I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ who paid the price of His life for me. Maybe I should be looking at it as HIS time, not MY time. How would I run my day differently if I thought of every minute as HIS time?
I’ll leave you with that thought as I continue to ponder it myself…

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Liar, Liar... (aka Candlelight part 2)

This can be also be titled, "Men are from Mars, Women..." well, you know how that goes...

Anyway, I have a confession. I went to dinner with my husband on our anniversary; I did not stay home with the kids alone. OK. It's out there. I feel so much better. Kinda...  Hmmmm. Here I am trying to reach out and relate to a certain group of women and it turns out to be false!!! Yikes!

To my defense though, I did not know